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Energy-efficient system operation

Building technical systems are operated for many decades and incur considerable costs over their life cycle. SAUTER keeps an eye on the technical systems and any adjustments that can be made for more economical system operation.

With our expertise in energy consulting, technical planning and hands-on practical work, we can take the right steps in every phase of a building’s life. We assist you with services such as initial adjustment of systems, mobile measurement technology, monitoring to identify savings, control optimisation and mathematical design verification. Our technical engineers carry out energy inspections in accordance with sections 74-78 of Germany’s Buildings Energy Act (GEG). As well as complying with legal requirements, this gives you solid information on optimum system operation.

  • Monitoring ways to maximise the efficiency of system operation
  • Expertise and product solutions in control technology and building automation
  • Inspection and adjustment of systems in terms of their planning
  • Technical monitoring with SAUTER Analytics
  • Energy inspection in accordance with sections 74-78 GEG
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